What it’s all about: the Road Map


  1. C. Hovey · · Reply

    For starters CM responsibilities/performance regarding oversight needs to be tightened up. For example, the City Clerk’s notifications of docket items have been influenced/drafted by interested parties, not by city employees using impartial judgement. How could a CM overlook so many blatantly misleading announcements, snail mailed late, vital info omitted and worse. It’s gone on for years, no… generations. “Everybody else does it so it must be okay” … to lie, cover up, cajole, bribe, influence, falsify and more.


  2. Absolutely agree.

    For another point, details later, the Council meetings MINUTES have not been published in ages.

    The saving grace is http://www.thenewportrecord.com who faithfully videotape the entire thing, but the law is that the minutes should be published so they can be searched. Sifting through three hours of video tape is not the right answer.

    Yes, the major sin is “It’s always been done that way”.

    Well it doesn’t have to be, and I’ll work to change it.

    Thanks for your engagement.



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